
The Differences between Granola and Muesli

While granola and muesli share many of the same ingredients. The two are definitely not interchangeable. Muesli and granola have differing origins, preparation methods, ingredients and nutritional profiles. Muesli was developed in Switzerland by a nutritionist at the end of the nineteenth century. Granola has its roots in America having been developed in 1894 by Dr. James Caleb Jackson at the Jackson Sanitarium in New York. Granola was both granola and muesli .It contains a mixture of grains (such as oats), nuts, dried fruit and sometimes bran and wheat germ. Muesli may contain sugar and dried-milk solids, but it can be unsweetened. Granola is typically toasted with honey and oil, resulting in a crisp texture and sweet glaze not found in muesli. Because granola contains the addition of honey and oil, it tends to have a higher sugar and fat content. As a result, granola is, on average, higher in calories than muesli. Granola ingredients are usually coated with some type of sugary substance or honey and toasted. It may contain pieces of fruit, nuts, various grains, coconut and chocolate bits. The list can be endless. Muesli, normally has a base of oats and can contain nuts and fruit too, but generally is not toasted. It is often unsweetened.They can both be enjoyed with milk, yogurt, or soy milk. Often bananas or other fresh fruit is chopped onto the muesli. Granola is however more calorific, due to the sugary syrup used for toasting to make it super crunchy. So we suggest you stick with muesli.